What we think about technology

Technology is Our Passion

Vienna, Austria, 2017-02-23

Are you able to comprise passion facing technological topics?

I am frequently asked this question. And I truely confirm due to the following two reasons.

Technology will increasiongly take an important role in shaping the future. To actively make a contribution, you need to be able to manage and understand a wide range of technological aspects. The best way to get into those topics is passion. Therefore I'm really committed into "Technology is Our Passion".

The second reason appreciates the fact that technology can be seen as part of the human evolution. Since our thumb went into opposition, we as homo sapiens are able to use tools. From the fist to the smart phone. Using those tools has also developed our brains. Besides the biological evolution, there is a technical one. And both are deeply human.

Let me bullet point the most important technological topics. I'd like to come back with more detailed considerations to all those topics in future BLOG contributions.

. Digital Economy and Digital Transformation
. Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing
. Robotics Process Automation
. Cybernetics
. Data Science and Data Analytics
. Blockchain Technologies
. Cryptography

In addition, I would like to cover a few methodological topics

. Process Management
. Project- and Project Portfolio Management
. Knowledge Management
. Change Management
. Service- and Service Portfolio Management

Wir are very much looking forward to shaping the future with passion and knowledge together with you.

Wolfgang P. Kalny